The Fabulous Spudtones

The Fabulous Spudtones

Ha ha ha. This must have been 25 years ago + or -. Mair and I as The Fabulous Spudtones for Halloween. We sang, “Here We Have Idaho”* while we wandered around at the dumbest party on the planet. I made the potato outfits. Pretty funny!

My ex sent over a huge box full of pictures that he hid from me when I moved out lo these 9 years ago. I figure he must be getting ready to be late on the mortgage (again) that he was supposed to take me off of (also lo these many years past) per the divorce settlement. My credit would be as good as it gets were it not for the little problem of the ex and the mortgage. I suppose I ought to take it all back to court but it sounds too hard, unless he really starts getting behind again, and then he’s going to have to sell it. I’d hate having to dump the babydaddy out onto the street. I wish he’d get a freaking job.

The pics are mostly of my son, but there were a few other gems, like the above. One of the little surprises was a set of photos of Son when he was 2, followed by some pictures of my crotch as he was crowning, thrown in for a little shock value. It worked! I don’t believe I’ll share those here.

*You’ve heard of the wonders our land does possess,
Its beautiful valleys and hills.
The majestic forests where nature abounds,
We love every nook and rill


And here we have Idaho,
Winning her way to fame.
Silver and gold in the sunlight blaze,
And romance lies in her name.

Singing, we’re singing of you,
Ah, proudly too. All our lives thru,
We’ll go singing, singing of you,
Singing of Idaho.

There’s truly one state in this great land of ours,
Where ideals can be realized.
The pioneers made it so for you and me,
A legacy we’ll always prize.


And here we have Idaho,
Winning her way to fame.
Silver and gold in the sunlight blaze,
And romance lies in her name.

Singing, we’re singing of you,
Ah, proudly too. All our lives thru,
We’ll go singing, singing of you,
Singing of Idaho.

6 thoughts on “The Fabulous Spudtones

  1. Thank you, for sharing. And for not sharing.

    And yes, my captcha is a trick question! I *have* met robots who were more human than Rush Limbaugh. ;p


  2. Mair says:

    Loving the Spudtones!!! Good times, baby. My fondest memory of that party, is… Stuff and down there, una… Do you remember that freaky guy??


  3. bc says:

    Yes, I remember. Unna Unna Unna Stuff and Down There.
    For those of you who weren’t there, it was some weird guy who must have been stooooned to the bone. He couldn’t speak, except to repeat this phrase: Unna Unna Unna Unna stuff and down there Unna Unna Unna Unna.
    I don’t think I realized he was stoned at the time, I just thought he was a complete freak. Jeebus, I HOPE he was stoned.


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