A Lightbulb Goes On

I just found out Bob read George Orwell (by choice) when he was in grade school.  Sixth grade.  Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, both.
That explains a lot.

I asked him, “What do you remember about reading Nineteen Eighty-Four?”

He said, “I remember thinking how scary it was that our government was beginning to go in the direction that the book went.”

Hrmm. When I was in sixth grade, I don’t recall knowing (or caring) enough about our government to have any sort of opinion on it one way or another that didn’t belong to my parents.

5 thoughts on “A Lightbulb Goes On

  1. I read Orwell when I was about 14. I was given a collected edition for my birthday and I still have it. but my favourite piece of Orwell writing is an essay about shooting an elephant.

    have you read it?


  2. brilliant – thank you nm, and bc (and, of course, Bob) for tracking the Orwell essay…

    oh, if our President could read and comprehend… maybe we can make it into a cartoon?


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