4 thoughts on “May 8th, Can’t Wait

  1. bc says:

    I saw Wolverine Sunday night. I liked it a lot. I was entertained for the entire time it was playing, no terrible cringe-y parts or anything. It’s a comic book action movie, and nothing else. It was perfect. Plus, I like looking at Hugh Jackman, or Huge Jackoff, as my sis likes to call him. There were supposed to be boners in the movie but I missed them all. Dammit!


  2. i don’t think i’ll hit the star trek flick… what is Star Trek with good acting and special effects? Wolverine? oh, yeah… by myself in a trench coat!


  3. bc says:

    I saw it. Twice! Once with Andrew in the morning, and then with Bob and Andrew in the evening. I stayed engaged through the whole thing both times. That’s saying something!


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